In this article:
Audit Log Code Categories
Audit Log Codes, Types, and Messages
Below you will find audit log codes, the corresponding type of log: success, info, or error, and a message giving additional details for that code.
Authorized Connections (AC)
Code | Type | Message |
AC001 | Success |
Added credentials: {{Connector}} using {{}} |
AC002 | Success |
Added admin credentials: {{Connector}} using {{}} |
AC003 | Info |
Renewed credentials: {{Connector}} using {{}} |
AC004 | Info |
Renewed admin credentials: {{Connector}} using {{}} |
AC005 | Info | Credentials shared: Granted access to {{User-name}} for {{Connector}} using {{}} |
AC006 | Success | Credentials shared: Declined adding to {{User-name}} for {{Connector}} using {{}} |
AC007 | Success | Credentials shared: Revoked credentials to {{User-name}} for {{Connector}} using {{}} |
AC008 | Success | Deleted credentials: {{Connector}} using {{}} |
AC009 | Success |
Deleted admin credentials: {{Connector}} using {{}} |
Cloud Transfers (CT)
Code | Type | Message |
CT001 | Success | Credentials added: {{SFTP}} using {{host name}}. Folder path: {{folder path}} |
CT002 | Success | Credentials edited: From {{SFTP}} using {{host name}} Folder path: {{folder path}} to {{SFTP}} using {{host name}} Folder path: {{folder path}} |
CT003 | Info | Credentials renewed: {{SFTP}} using {{host name}} Folder path: {{folder path}} |
CT007 | Success | Deleted credentials: {{SFTP} using {{host name}} |
CT008 | Info | Cloud transfer {{Cloud-transfer-name}} added to {{export}} |
CT009 | Info | Cloud transfer {{Cloud-transfer-name}} loaded to {{host name}} {{folder path}} |
Custom Field (CF)
Code | Type | Message |
CF001 | Success | Custom field added to platform by Admin: "{{custom-field}}" |
CF002 | Success | Custom field removed from platform by Admin: "{{custom-field}}" |
CF003 | Info | Custom field disabled in platform by Admin: "{{custom-field}}" |
CF004 | Info | Custom field enabled in platform by Admin: "{{custom-field}}" |
CF005 | Info | Custom field edited in platform by Admin: "{{custom-field}}" |
CF006 | Success | Custom field added to workspace {{Workspace-name}}: "{{custom-field}}" |
CF007 | Success | Custom field removed from workspace {{Workspace-name}}: "{{custom-field}}" |
Data Source (DS)
Code | Type | Message |
DS001 | Success | Added {{Source-type}} source: "{{Source-name}}" ({{Source-URL}}) |
DS002 | Success | Deleted {{Source-type}} source: "{{Source-name}}" ({{Source-URL}}) |
DS003 | Info | {{Source-type}} source "{{Source-name}}" renamed to "{{New-source-name}}" ({{Source-URL}}) |
DS004 | Info | {{Source-type}} source "{{Source-name}}" shared with {{People-list}} ({{Source-URL}}) |
DS012 | Error | Failed to sync {{Source-type}} source "{{Source-name}}". Reason: {{Error-number}} ({{Source-URL}}) |
DS015 | Success | Added {{Source-type}} source using shared credentials ({{credentials-account}}): "{{Source-name}}" ({{Source-URL}}) |
Export (EX)
Code | Type | Message |
EX001 | Success | Export "{{ export }}" added to platform |
EX002 | Success | Export "{{ export }}" removed from platform |
File (FL)
Code | Type | Message |
FL001 | Success | File uploaded by user: "{{file-name}}" ({{file-URL}}) |
FL005 | Info | File "{{File-name}}" shared with "{{People-list}}" ({{File-URL}}) |
FL006 | Info | File "{{File-name}}" downloaded ({{File-URL}}) |
FL013 | Success | File deleted by user: "{{file-name}}" ({{file-URL}}) |
FL014 | Info | File "{{File-name}}" viewed ({{file-URL}}) |
FL015 | Success | File deleted due to Retention policy: "{{file-name}}" ({{file-URL}}) |
Identity Mapping (ID)
Code | Type | Message |
ID001 | Success | Added source to identity mapping: "{{Source-type}}" mapped |
ID002 | Success | Added source automatically to identity mapping: "{{Source-type}}" mapped |
ID007 | Info | Rename {{Identity-name}}: to {{new-identity-name}} |
ID008 | Info | Details of identity "{{Identity-name-1}}" viewed ({{Identity-name-1-URL}}) |
ID009 | Info | Identity search for "{{search-term}}" done |
ID010 | Info | Filter of search "{{search-term}}" viewed |
Integrated Legal Holds (ILH)
Code | Type |
Message |
ILH001 |
Success |
User {{username}} created {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}). Matter details: From {{preservation-start-date}} to {{preservation-end-date}}, {{matter-type}}, {{jurisdiction}}, {{billing-number}}, {{notes}} |
ILH002 | Success | User {{username}} added {{custodians-list}} to {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}). Custodian details: {{Custodian-first-name}}, {{Custodian-last-name}}, {{Custodian-email}}, {{Custodian-role}} |
ILH003 | Success | User {{username}} added a hold on {{source-type}} with {{email-account}} to {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) Hold details: {{content-information}}, {{custodians-list}}, {{preservation-start-date}}, {{preservation-end-date}} |
ILH004 | Success | User {{username}} added {{notification-type}} to {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) Notice content: {{initial-notice-message}} |
ILH005 | Success |
User {{username}} added {{notification-type}} to {{matter-name}} to be sent every {{frequency-days}} days: ({{matter-id}}) Notice content: {{reminder-notice-message}} |
IILH006 | Success | User {{username}} added {{notification-type}} to {{matter-name}} to be sent every {{frequency-days}} days: ({{matter-id}}) Notice content: {{acknowledge-notice-message}} |
ILH007 | Success | User {{username}} added {{notification-type}} to {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) Notice content: {{release-notice-message}} |
ILH008 | Success |
User {{username}} added {{attachment-file}} to {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}})
ILH009 | Error | Failed to create {{matter-name}} in Integrated Legal Holds |
ILH010 | Error | Failed to add {{custodians-list}} to {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH011 | Error | Failed to add a hold on {{source-type}} with {{email-account}} to {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH012 | Error | Failed to add {{custodians-not-found-list}} to {{source-type}} hold on {{matter-name}} because were not found: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH013 | Error | Failed to add {{notification-type}} to {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH014 | Error | Failed to add {{attachment-file}} to {matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH015 | Success | User {{username}} deleted {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH016 | Success | User {{username}} deleted {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH017 | Success | User {{username}} deleted a {{source-type}} hold with {{email-account}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH018 | Success | User {{username}} deleted {{notification-type}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH019 | Success | User {{username}} deleted {{attachment-file}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH020 | Error | Failed to delete {{matter-name}} from Integrated Legal Holds |
ILH021 | Error | Failed to delete {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH022 | Error | Failed to delete {{source-type}} hold with {{email-account}} from {matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH023 | Error | Failed to delete {{notification-type}} from {matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH024 | Error | Failed to delete {{attachment-file}} from {matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH025 | Info | User {{username}} viewed {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH026 | Info | User {{username}} viewed {{custodian-name}} custodian details from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH027 | Info | User {{username}} viewed {{source-type}} hold with {{email-account}} details from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH028 | Info | User {{username}} viewed {{notification-type}} notification details from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH029 | Info | User {{username}} viewed {{notification-type}} notification preview from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) Notification content: {{notification-message}} |
ILH030 | Success | User {{username}} sent initial notice to {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH031 | Success | Reminder notice has been automatically sent to {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH032 | Success | Acknowledge notice has been automatically sent to {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH033 | Success | User {{username}} sent release notice to {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH034 | Success | User {{username}} released {{custodians-list}} from {{source-type}} hold with {{email-account}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH035 | Success | User {{username}} released {{source-type}} hold with {{email-account}} with {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH036 | Success | User {{username}} changed matter {{matter-name}} information from {{previous-values}} to {{new-values}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH037 | Success | User {{username}} edited matter {{matter-name}} configuration from {{previous-values}} to {{new-values}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH038 | Success | User {{username}} edited {{notification-type}} content from {{previous-notice-message}} to {{new-notice-message}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH039 | Success | User {{username}} changed {{custodian-name}} custodian role from {{previous-value}} to {{new-value}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH040 | Success | User {{username}} closed {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH041 | Error | Failed to send initial notice to {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH042 | Error | Failed to send reminder notice to {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH043 | Error | Failed to send acknowledge notice to {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH044 | Error | Failed to send release notice to {{custodians-list}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH045 | Error | Failed to release {{custodians-list}} from {{source-type}} hold with {{email-account}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH046 | Error | Failed to release {{source-type}} hold with {{email-account}} from {{matter-name}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH047 | Error | Failed to change matter {{matter-name}} information from {{previous-value}} to {{new-value}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH048 | Error | Failed to edit matter {{matter-name}} configuration from {{previous-value}} to {{new-value}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH049 | Error | Failed to edit notification {{notification-type}} from {{previous-value}} to {{new-value}}: {{matter-id}} |
ILH050 | Error | Failed to change {{custodian-name}} custodian role from {{previous-value}} to {{new-value}}: ({{matter-id}}) |
ILH051 | Error | Failed to close {{matter-name}} matter: ({{matter-id}}) |
Login (LG)
Code | Type |
Message |
LG001 | Success | Logged in with user and password |
LG002 | Error | Failed to log in with user and password |
LG003 | Success | Logged out |
LG006 | Success | Logged in with two step verification |
LG009 | Info | Email sent to reset password |
LG010 | Success | Password updated |
LG011 | Error | Failed to change password |
LG012 | Success | Logged in with SSO |
LG017 | Success | SSO configuration deleted by {{actor-username}}. |
LG018 | Success | Issued temporary user |
Preservation (WP)
Code | Type |
Message |
WP001 | Success | Added preservation: "{{Preservation-name}}" ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP002 | Success | Deleted preservation: "{{Preservation-name}}" ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP003 | Info | Preservation "{{Preservation-name}}" renamed to "{{New-preservation-name}}" ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP004 | Info | Preservation "{{Preservation-name}}" shared with "{{People-list}}" ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP005 | Info | Details of preservation "{{Preservation-name}}" viewed ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP006 | Error | Failed to delete preservation "{{Preservation-name}}" ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP007 | Error | Failed to rename preservation "{{Preservation-name}}" ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP008 | Success | Finished preservation: "{{Preservation-finished}}" ({{Preservation-URL}) |
WP009 | Info | Preservation "{{Preservation-name}} viewed ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP010 | Info | Preservation "{{Preservation}}" permission changed for {{user}} from {{old permission}} to {{new permission}} ({{Preservation-URL}}) |
WP011 | Info | Preservation "{{Preservation}}" configuration changed to {{Edit Preservation-URL}} |
Retention Policy (RP)
Code | Type |
Message |
RP001 | Success | Added retention policy: Delete from "{{Source-type}}" content older than {{2 years}} |
RP002 | Success | Deleted retention policy: Delete from "{{Source-type}}" content older than {{2 years}} |
RP003 | Success | Updated retention policy: Delete from "{{Source-type}}" content older than {{2 years}} |
Smart Action (SA)
Code | Type |
Message |
SA001 | Success | Smart Action "{{ smart action }}" added to platform |
SA002 | Success | Smart Action "{{ smart action }}" removed from platform |
SA003 | Info | Smart Action "{{ smart action }}" triggered |
SA004 | Info | Smart Action "{{smart action}}" modified |
Special Permission (SP)
Code | Type | Message |
SP002 | Success | Added special permission: "{{Pepito}}" can {{Manage custom fields / Manage groups / Audit log}} |
SP004 | Success | Removed special permission: "{{Pepito}}" can {{Manage custom fields / Manage groups / Audit log}} |
User (UA)
Code | Type |
Message |
UA001 | Success | User {{username}} invited to Onna by {{actor username}}. |
UA002 | Success | User {{username}} added to Onna through SSO. |
UA003 | Success | User {{username}} invited to Onna as Guest by {{actor username}}. |
UA004 | Success | User {{username}}'s role was changed from {{starting-role}} to {{ending-role}} by {{actor username}}. |
UA011 | Info | User viewed Notifications |
Workspace (WS)
Code | Type |
Message |
WS001 | Success | Added workspace: "{{Workspace-name}}" ({{Workspace-URL}}) |
WS002 | Success | Deleted workspace: "{{Workspace-name}}" ({{Workspace-URL}}) |
WS003 | Info | Workspace "{{Workspace-name}}" renamed to "{{New-workspace-name}}" ({{Workspace-URL}}) |
WS004 | Info | Workspace "{{Workspace-name}}" shared with "{{People-list}}" ({{Workspace-URL}}) |
WS005 | Info | Workspace "{{Workspace-name}}" viewed ({{Workspace-URL}}) |
WS006 | Error | Failed to delete workspace "{{Workspace-name}}" ({{Workspace-URL}}) |
WS009 | Info | Workspace "{{Workspace-name}}" permission changed for {{user}} form {{old permission}} to {{new permission}} ({{Workspace-URL}}) |
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