In this article you will learn:
As part of the export configuration process you are able to select which metadata you want to include in your export on the ‘Export configuration: Metadata’ while going through the export workflow. Below you will find definitions of each metadata field.
These metadata fields are listed below in the order they appear in the user interface. You can also find information by searching alphabetically by category in the Export Metadata Fields List by Category below.
Export Metadata Fields by Category
Export Metadata Definitions
Document Metadata
- Application name- Name of the application that created the document
- Author- The name of the person who created the file, if available
- Company- Company of record, extracted from metadata in the file from Microsoft Office Documents
- Content type- The type of file assigned by Onna (e.g. image, conversation, document)
- Embedded author- The author from embedded metadata within the document (applicable to Microsoft documents only)
- Embedded file creation date- The file creation date from embedded metadata within the document (applicable to Microsoft documents only)
- Embedded file modification date- The file modification date from embedded metadata within the document (applicable to Microsoft documents only)
- Embedded last author/modified by- The last author from embedded metadata within the document (applicable to Microsoft documents only)
- Embedded printed date- The last printed date from embedded metadata within the document (applicable to Microsoft documents only)
- Extension- The file extension. For example, .pdf, .jpg, .docx, etc
- File creation- The file creation date in origin. If unavailable, then from the embedded metadata. If both are unavailable, the date created in Onna.
- File ID- The UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) assigned to the file by Onna
- File last modified- The file modified date in origin. If unavailable, then from the embedded metadata. If both are unavailable, the date created in Onna.
- File name- The file name of the resource
- File size- Size of the file in bytes
- File title- The title of the file from Microsoft Office Documents.
- MD5 hash- The MD5 Hash of the file
- Other document metadata- Other Metadata that may be available for the file, in JSON format
- Processing exception-The processing exception received if there is an exception generated during processing. Learn more about Onna Processing Exceptions.
- Resource ID- The UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) assigned to the file by Onna-Will appear for skipped files only.
Source Metadata:
- Deleted in Origin- A yes/no field indicating whether or not a file has been deleted in the origin source
- Exception- The processing exception received if there is an exception generated during processing. Learn more about Onna Processing Exceptions.
- Folder Path- The folder path in the source platform
- Last modified in source- The file modified date in origin. If unavailable, then from the embedded metadata. If both are unavailable, the date created in Onna.
- List of creators in source- A list of the email address(es) responsible for creating the resource
- List of modifiers in source- A list of the email address(es) responsible for modifying the resource
- List of users collected for- A list of the email address(es) responsible for collecting the resource
- Other source metadata- Other Metadata that may be available for the file from the Datasource, in JSON format
- Synced folder or label ID in source- The name of folder or label where file is located
- Synced folder or label in source- The folder or label where the file is located. Examples include channel IDs where Slack conversations are located or folders within Dropbox or Google Drive
- URL to original file- The URL path where the file is located in its original platform
Other Metadata
- Custom fields- Custom field values that were populated in Onna
- Detected language- Detected language used within the file
- NIST file- A true/false value indicating if there are files on the NIST list. The NIST list contains a collection of digital signatures of known, traceable, software applications to identify files with no evidentiary value.
Source Specific Metadata
- Ancestors of file- Parent pages associated with a file within Confluence
- Labels- List of label keywords associated with the space or file
- Space ID- The text identifier field used to identify the space
- Space name- Name of the Confluence space
- Space type- How a Confluence space is categorized. For example, global or personal
- Conversation ID- Text identifier field used to identify the conversation
- Conversation name- Categorizes the kind of conversation. For Slack this includes channels, groups (private channels), or DMs (direct messages). For Teams, channels or chat.
- Conversation type-For conversations with a channel name, the channel name, otherwise a descriptor for the type of conversation.
- Date received- The date when an email was received by the recipient(s)
- Date sent- The date when an email was sent
- Email Bcc- The blind carbon copy email address recipient(s)
- Email Cc- The carbon copy email address recipient(s)
- Email from- The from email address that sent the email
- Email ID- The unique message ID used to identify the email. Note: This is not available in Gmail.
- Email subject- The subject text of the sent email
- Email to- The to email address recipient(s)
- Important- Severity level to prioritize emails, applies to email conversations
- Starred- Marker to identify important emails applies to individual email messages
File Data
- Description- The value associated with the document's comments field
- Effective date- The date and time that an object should be published
- Expiration date- The date and time that the object should become unpublished
- Tags- List of tag values associated with a resource
- Title- Title of the file
Folder Data
- Parent folder- The name of the parent folder for a resource in its native platform
- Path to original file- The path to the original file in its native platform
- Revision- The version of the file synced from the source. Only applicable to Google Drive and Dropbox
- Project key-The text identifier field used to identify the project
- Project name- The name of a project
- Project type- How a project is categorized in Jira. For example, software, business, or service desk
Message List
- List of Messages- Provides a list of users of who sent an emoji reaction for a Slack message
- Contains the following fields:
- ID - timestamp of when the message was sent
- Author - field will list user ID, name, and email address of the user who sent the message
- Reaction- reactions for the message
- Users - Slack users who reacted to the message (field will list user id and name)
- Total reactions - sum of the emoji reaction used for the message
- Timestamp and author for messages with no reactions are still listed.
- If the Message is a huddle the following metadata is also included
- Room created by- User who initiated the call
- Room start date, Room end date- Timestamp when the call took place
- Room participant history- Participants
- Permalink- Call URL
- Room id- Huddle unique identifier
- Was rejected- Indicates if a huddle was rejected or not. True or False as possible values
- Was missed- Indicates if a huddle was missed or not. True or False as possible values
- Was accepted- Indicates if a huddle was accepted or not. True or False as possible values
- Contains the following fields:
Meta Workplace
- ResourceName: Is the corresponding post ID in Meta.
- Workplace_Conversation ID: If the resource is an attachment, this field represents the parent object. Either a post or a comment. If the resource is not an attachment it is the group the post was made in.
- Workplace_Conversation name: If the resource is an attachment, this field is the name of the attachment, if it exists. If this is a post then this is the name of the group this post came from.
- Workplace_Conversation type: If this is an attachment then the value is always “attachment”. If not, then it is the type of the post reported by Meta.
Related Users
- Related user descriptions:
- active: user sent a message that day
- member: indicates user was in that channel that day
- mention: mentioned that day
*If you created export templates prior to December 21st, 2022 you will need to reconfigure your template to include this feature. |
Slack Enterprise
- Workspace ID- The text identifier field used to identify the workspace
- Workspace name- The name of a workspace in Slack
- Assignee- The user(s) who the ticket is assigned to
- Tags- The list of tags associated to the ticket in the origin
- Ticket category- The category that the ticket is classified as
- Ticket description- The section where the user ticket is described in detail
- Ticket priority- The assigned priority of the ticket
- Ticket requester- The user who requested the ticket
- Ticket severity- The severity of the ticket
- Ticket type- The assigned type of the ticket
- List of XTags- The tags associated with a document from various sources. ex. Gmail labels
- Group membership- The group the ticket is assigned to. For example, support
- Organization- A collection of your users
- Tags- List of tags associated with a ticket
- Ticket ID- The reference number or ID to identify the ticket
- Ticket name- The title or name of the ticket
- Ticket priority- The assigned priority of the ticket. For example, normal, high, or urgent
- Ticket requester- The user who requested the ticket
- Ticket responsible- The assigned user or group to the ticket
- Ticket status- The status of the ticket. For example, new, open, or pending
- Ticket type- The category that the ticket is classified as. For example, incident, problem, question, task
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