Having data easily accessible can help your organization become more efficient throughout the eDiscovery process and offer your organization more possible use of Onna. Having your data accessible in one platform, on-demand, offers more control over how you’re able to use that data.
While Onna customers sometimes prefer to pull data from applications on a matter by matter basis, there are additional benefits to creating auto-sync and archive sources within the Onna platform.
Benefit #1: Proactive Approach to eDiscovery
Having your data up-to-date in Onna allows you to proactively manage requests for data and deliver results for review. With auto-sync and archive, your organization eliminates the time needed to sync and process data from your application ensuring you’re ready to meet deadlines as needed.
Benefit #2: Optimized Productivity
Having data in the Onna platform and up-to-date will save your team time by streamlining workflows; thus, giving your organization more control over the entire eDiscovery process. It allows your team the time they need to perform the necessary searches and cull data down to only essential data for review, leading to a decrease in review time and cost.
Benefit #3: Reduces Risk
Using Onna to retain your data can help mitigate the risk of data spoliation. Auto-sync and archive allows you the ability to store your data outside the native application, reducing the risk of users accidentally deleting data potentially important to future matters.
Benefit #4: Additional Platform Use
Having data accessible from one platform allows your organization to use Onna for purposes beyond eDiscovery and optimize your investment in Onna. Onna customers are using the platform for a variety of different use-cases beyond eDiscovery including:
- PII Detection
- Contract Management
- Employee Knowledge Retention
- Team Data Sharing
- Information Governance
- M&A
- Security-Insider Threat
Whether your goal is leveraging Onna for purposes beyond eDiscovery or improving efficiencies in your eDiscovery process, having auto-sync and archive set up will help you meet your goals.
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